<aside> 💡 Add unorganized to-dos to the to-do column. Once you determine when to do them, move the checkbox to the day column. Add events as quotes to keep them organized as well
<aside> 💡 Instead of simply listing event times, add a date/time tag by typing “@” and then the date/time, so you can be reminded about it
$\color {#dd9922} \texttt { T O - D O}$
$\color {dd9922} \texttt { m o n }$
EVENT @ 3pm
$\color {#dd9922} \texttt { t u e }$
$\color {#dd9922} \texttt { w e d}$
EVENT @ 11am
add a quote here :)
$\color {#dd9922} \texttt { t h u r s}$
$\color {#dd9922} \texttt { f r i}$
EVENT @ 8pm
$\color {#dd9922} \texttt { s a t / s u n}$
EVENT @ 6pm